Paradzai lnnocent Njazi is pursuing Bachelor Of Science In Nursing Science at University Of Zimbabwe.

A strong inward desire to make a difference to be a  solution provider to implications of AMR motivated him to engage in AMR.lnnocent strongly believes that his passion on AMR spring from his ultimate purpose which is saving lives.Being conscious of his purpose ,he is more than willing to engage in activities which mitigate AMR .As a nursing student who regularly works in a hospital setting noticing the rise of resistant organisms and the cost of treating resistant infections it drives lnnocent to be involved in AMR .

Innocent have been engaged in various AMR activities.He did campings at high schools educating pupils on proper use of antimicrobial.Pupils showed interest in knowing more about antimicrobial resistance and they were willing to carry the message to their families.

Innocent is  spreading awareness through articles,so far he published two articles titled

1)Silent Pandemic: Antimicrobial Resistance

2) Misuse of antibiotics in agriculture the cause of antibiotic resistance

His social media platform such as twitter ,facebook , LinkedIn and WhatsApp are carriers of AMR message raising awareness .His social media platform targets the general public and health professionals. By sharing articles and scientific journals it has being effective in stimulating health workers to be aware of AMR.As an AMR advocate lnnocent is the movement of raising AMR champions at University Of Zimbabwe.

When lnnocent did an awareness campaign he couldn’t afford to have banners and PA system.He managed only a few T-shirts and charts to improvise for banners.Due to lack of funds ,he didn’t have adequate resources .

In advocating for proper use of antimicrobial at University of Zimbabwe there is  lack of support from the University. However through forming groups with interested students there have been a way through.

He learnt that even without adequate resources you may make a difference.

Engaging in AMR activities helped him to be strategic and improved his decision making skills.

 Innocent is looking for mentorship in implementing activities which raise awareness to the public at a larger scale. He is very passionate to research on AMR , linking him to experienced researchers would be help him .He also needs mentorship in grant writing so that he may capture global opportunities.

Youths have a major role to play in mitigating AMR .AMRLEP empowers students to be AMR advocates.