Aderibigbe Adewale Lanre

Aderibigbe Adewale Lanre is a Dental Student at the Faculty of Dentistry, Bayero University, Kano. Nigeria. An Alumnus of AMRLEP( pioneer Cohort) who believes that AMR is a threat without borders.

Apart from being a pro-active learner, Lanre has an unquenchable passion to provide Innovative solutions to Health care and wellness, social enterprise and economic growth.
Having read about Chris Linaman’s story on how he survived antibiotic resistance in 2018, He was driven with so much empathy to advocate for the responsible use of antibiotics in Humans. It was personally challenging. 3 years down the line, he’s undying quest to Act on AMR forced him to enrol for AMRLEP.

He prides himself on increasing the level of awareness on AMR among High School Students and community members. During the last WAAW ’21 His project: “AMR Goes to School” reached a total of 120 students and 38 were recruited into the AMR club who will also serve as behavioural change agents among their peers and in their communities to serve as sustainable model for the project even after the project lifespan. As part of his efforts to communicate AMR to his immediate community, he’s currently on a reasearch project” Understanding the need for Cultural and linguistics Adaptation in AMR messaging. Where he seek to communicate AMR in his local dialect( Yoruba Language).

At the Onset of his interactions with Community Leaders and High school students, AMR is not yet considered as a crisis or a Global threat to be given priority in many settings. He was sometimes Ignored. He created a community with the people interested in learning and being advocates of AMR. He directly impacted a group of minimum 30 students. His project equipped those students to act as a behavioral change agents among their peers and in their community as a sustainable model for the project.

Despite all odds, he remained committed and constistent to the implementation of his project. Hardwork, commitment and constitency has helped.

To mention but a few: Good communication skills and interpersonal relations, project management skills, Data collection, Problem framing and Hypothesis formation.

He needs more collaborations(Mentorship) in raising awareness on AMR in Nigeria and Africa by bridging the Gap between Healthcare and technology via: Artificial intelligence in Healthcare, Data analysis, Grant application and writing.
Lanre is excited to be part of AMPLEP Program, because it gives him a platform to reach out to a wide range of people who really needs this impact. He strongly recommend students to enroll for AMRLEP. AMR is a global threat without borders, Act On AMR.

Gallery while engaging in AMR