Key learnings from the AMRLEP program
AMR is as old as drug discovery itself and it is a fast growing pandemic.
AMR affects both developed and developing countries thou problems of inadequate supplies outweigh AMR in developing countries.
AMR does not only come about as a result of drug misuse but also correct use.
There are no more drugs in the pipeline of drug discovery thus we must preserve the ones we have now.
The constraints to innovation of new antibiotics is to a greater extent economical but new financial models are being discussed that if effected will encourage innovation by the pharmaceutical companies.
The global initiatives to curb down this first spreading pandemic including national action plans, international collaboration and the one health approach
There is no greater weapon to effectively curb down a fast spreading pandemic than proper information about the course of the pandemic itself. Awareness and sensitization of the population, specifically the youth who the most and the future of my country is the weapon I chose to face the silent tsunami.